Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Alzheimer Disease!!

Alzheimer was found in 1906 by German psychiatrist name's Alois Alzheimer and it was named followed him. Generally, this disease must be found in over 65 years of age. This disease can't cure, but we can found another kind of Alzheimer in lower age there is early-onset Alzheimer's. In 2006, have population about 26.6 millions people around the world have Alzheimer disease and will gain more than 4 times from 26.6 million in 2050.
Alzheimer's victims will have different symptom. Primarily, every Alzheimer's victim will be serious. Most of victims will think it is a symptom usually think it is a symptom that happen from their age, but it doesn't like that. First symptom that we usually found, there is lose memory and continue with confusing and angry easily. After that, they will lose feeling and language aptitude and don't respond with everything because they lose their feeling already. Finally, Alzheimer victim's will die!!

I think, this disease it's very extremely dangerous. Who has this disease account they are so bad luck!!

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